Status Page Features

Mailjet integration

Collaborate with your team

What does it do?

With this feature, you can send status page email notifications by using your Mailjet.

How can I activate it?

Required steps are:

  1. Register to Mailjet service (or use an existing account)
    1. Create API keys
    2. Add sender domain/email address
  2. Go to Status Pages / Integrations / Mailjet (in Dashboard)
    1. Add new integration (API keys required)
    2. Validate senders email
    3. Configure event handler & exclusion list parameters (excluding receiver email in any unwanted case)
  3. Enable integration for your status page in Status Pages / Manage / Edit / Notifications
  4. Test sending with email tester tool in Dashboard (Status Pages / Status Page Tools / Email tester)

Are there any extra costs?

In AdminLabs end, there are no other costs than status page price. Please see Mailjet’s pricing on Mailjet’s website.